Work started on the basement in April 2000. This is after a few hours of Steve dozing away dirt for the basement.
Another shot clearing dirt (7 April 00).
Another view of work in progress (7 April 00)...and notice that the rain is still causing problems.
On 26 April 00 a crew from Larry Fouss Poured Walls company came to lay the foundation. A fuzzy view of the ground work after building the forms for the footers but before the cement.
Prepping the cement truck after a iffy moment waiting to see if it could be backed up over the still damp dirt.
A distant view before the pour.
Final check before starting to pour.
And there is no stopping now.
A bit like making mud pies.
Repositioning the truck for another pour.
Larry Fouss's crew hard at work leveling the cement.
Screeting the footer.
...and more pouring...
...and more pouring...
At this point I am glad I wasn't doing this myself.
Looks like fun but not really.
Shifting the cement around to ensure a good pour.
Seems like the truck was about to be in the basement.
At this point I think they were wondering why I was building a 52 foot by 32 foot house.
Notice the water still standing in the footer?
Just a bit more.
The crew returned on the 27th to stand up the wall forms.
They finished early enough to call for the cement trucks on the same day.
A different view higher on the hill.
It looked like rough work even from the sidelines.
At times it looked like a vault than a basement.
The inside looked like destruction instead of construction.
Pouring more cement.
Adding more and more cement finally brought the level up.
The truck driver wasn't the only one watching the wheels on this pour.
It ended up taking 7 trucks to bring in 45 yards of cement.